Sweet Halloween treats don’t have to be loaded with sugar. This cute little ghost will keep both you and your little goblins happy.


  • Banana
  • Vanilla yogurt
  • Chocolate chips
  • Shredded coconut (if you want it more fine, just pulse it in a food processor)


  1. The first step is to freeze your bananas. Peel them and then lay them flat on a cookie sheet. This only takes a few hours. Once they are frozen, cut each banana into thirds.
  2. Put a toothpick or a popsicle stick in one end of each banana. Then dip in the yogurt and make sure you cover it all the way around. If your kids don’t like coconut, just dip it in the yogurt and then freeze it. But the coconut is super yummy and gives it a fun texture.
  3. Roll that banana in the coconut on all sides. You can push it on with your fingers if you need to.
  4. Once it is covered in coconut, just put 2 chocolate chips on for eyes. You can also use raisins. Push them in good so they will stay. If you aren’t going to eat them right away, place them on a cookie sheet and put them in the freezer. Otherwise the banana will get all soft and mushy.
  5. Now sit back and watch your kids enjoy something that isn’t candy this Halloween season.

Recipe by Natalie at www.superhealthykids.com

Photo courtesy of Super Healthy Kids

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Banana Ghost Pops

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