Article at a Glance
• Taking good notes, keeping up on homework, managing time wisely, and learning how to study can help students get rid of a lot of those pre-test jitters.
• Managing time wisely gives students a chance to split up studying into more manageable and productive chunks.

Nothing can bring on panic faster than an upcoming test. Finals are enough to make even the most confident students weak in the knees. But a little bit of preparation and time management can easily take the edge off of some of that exam anxiety. The key is to break down everything down into manageable tasks. Don’t try to learn everything you need to know the night before the test.

Take Notes
Most teachers are careful to cover what is on the test during class or in the reading assignments. Some will even give their students a helpful heads up on key information. Note taking is a great way to help your brain process the information and remember it. Keeping notes organized helps students understand them later on. Recopying notes into an organized outline of different subjects can be a great way to refresh your memory and make important connections. Practice taking notes and find out what works for you. .

Do Your Homework
Homework assignments are a great way to review information and practice things like math problems before the big test. Practice makes perfect, so don’t rush through homework assignments.

Manage Your Time
The first step of managing time wisely is to break the information down into manageable chunks. Divide things up according to class and break up big test subjects into smaller subtopics. Then figure out how much time each will require. For example you won’t need as much time to study for a math quiz as a big history test. Taking each section a little at a time over the course of a week or two means you are less likely to become overwhelmed.

It might be tempting to put studying off until later, but remember that it will eventually catch up with you. It is much easier to stick with a consistent study schedule then trying to cram it all in the night before.

Managing time also applies to extra-circular activities. If some activities seem to affect your study time, talk to the coach or advisor before it becomes a problem.

Learn How to Study
People study differently, so it is important to find out what works best for you. Sometimes it is helpful to teach the information to somebody else. For some people, study groups are an excellent way to learn from others and to make sure their notes are correct. Others might find it too easy to become distracted when studying in a group.

How you study should depend on the type of test you will be taking. Doing practice problems is a great way to study for a math or science test. Things like flashcards and memorization tricks are great for multiple-choice tests because they help you memorize facts and details. If you need to study for essay questions, think about the topics that will probably be covered and write out some examples of how you would answer questions on those topics.

Be careful not to become distracted while studying. Reward your diligence by taking a short 15-minute break about every 45 minutes.

Although it take a bit of discipline, nothing feels better than walking into a test well rested and prepared. And while you might not remember everything you’ve learned at school, the learning skills you’ve developed will be invaluable to you the rest of your life.

For More Information:

Studying for Tests

How To Study

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Don’t Cram for That Exam!

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