8 Ways to Tame the Screen Time Beast
Posted on December 4, 2018
Article at a Glance
- Too much screen time has been linked to numerous wide-ranging side effects.
- Setting time limits and monitoring them isn't easy—even with devices made to assist. Instead, try practical limits.
- When breaking a habit, it helps to fill the void with positive things like sports, books and physical play.
Summer Chores for Kids
Posted on May 31, 2018
- Long summer days can mean extended veg-out sessions and messy houses
- Without structure, summer break can become frustrating for parent and kids
- Consider a schedule of chores to help structure the day, build skills, and increase bonding
How can I get my kids to school on time?
Posted on December 15, 2017
Article at a Glance
- With a little planning, mornings can become a time of peace and relaxation.
- Tackling the next day's tasks the night before to reduce stress in the morning.
- Use the extra time to bond with your family and leave home with a positive mindset.
10 Reasons to Incorporate Audiobooks into Your Road Trips
Posted on August 18, 2017
Article at a Glance
- Audiobooks can simplify entertainment for family trips.
- They provide an engaging whole-family, whole-vehicle activity.
- Listening to audiobooks is a great way to encourage literary enjoyment and contribute to literacy in children.
Want Happier Kids? There’s an App for That.
Posted on August 10, 2017
Article at a Glance
- Parents should focus on finding balance that works for their family, rather than time limits.
- Technology solutions can help reinforce parenting efforts by consistently applying boundaries.
- What's happening on screens is more important than how often they are switched on.
How can I protect my family from Zika virus?
Posted on June 30, 2017
- Mosquito season in Utah runs from mid-spring through early autumn.
- Zika is primarily spread through the bite of infected mosquitoes, though the virus can also be spread through sexual contact.
- Traditional mosquito bite avoidance methods are the most effective for preventing the spread of Zika.
Social Media Bootcamp
Posted on March 7, 2017
- For most social media accounts, children should be 13 or older and be mature enough to make good choices online.
- Commit to being proactive about your child’s use of social media.
- Talk to your children about what is appropriate on social media and how to stay safe.
Setting up the Healow App to Access Health Informtion
Posted on March 14, 2016
Article at a Glance
- Utah Valley Pediatrics offers access to all your patient records through a new Apple and Android app called Healow.
- Setup takes just a couple of minutes and will require your UVP Patient Portal username and password.
- Once setup, use the app to send and receive messages, request appointments and more.
Changing our sleep culture
Posted on August 3, 2015
Article at a Glance
- Students who don’t get enough sleep don’t perform as well and are more prone to symptoms of depression.
- Sleep deprivation can impair your driving as much as driving intoxicated.
- We need to change how we perceive sleep and help make it more of a priority in schools and at home.
Sleeping with a smartphone can disrupt your child’s sleep
Posted on February 16, 2015
Article at a Glance
- Children who sleep with a smartphone or tablet in their room get less sleep and report feeling less well-rested than those who don’t.
- Having a TV in the bedroom also contributed to less sleep, but had less effect than a small screen device.
- Sleep plays an important role in a child’s mental and physical development.