Help! I Think My Child Is Addicted to Screens.
Help! I Think My Child Is Addicted to Screens.
  • Screen addiction can manifest in many ways and have adverse effects on children.
  • Setting up healthy boundaries can help in weaning children off their devices.
  • Understanding screen addiction and communicating the potential risks to children can help reduce device usage and empower children to choose other activities.
Video Games for Kid: Pros and Cons
Video Games for Kid: Pros and Cons

Article at a Glance

  • Video games can be used to help improve test scores, teach life and job skills, improve brain function, and encourage physical exercise.
  • Most video games are addictive by design and encourage a lot of sitting.
  • Because video game addiction can have a negative impact on social and physical health, parents should be aware of the symptoms.
Parents and Tech: Is Your Phone Hurting Your Kids?
Parents and Tech: Is Your Phone Hurting Your Kids?

Article at a Glance

  • Developmental progress in infancy and childhood is heavily reliant on parent-child interactions.
  • Excessive smartphone use by parents can lead to distress in young children and discourage them from exploring their surroundings.
  • Children can act out when they feel as though they're competing with technology for their parents' attention.

Teaching teens to connect without screens
Teaching teens to connect without screens

Article at-a-glance:

  • Because screen use is an integral part of work, school, and personal time, learning a healthy balance in the pre-teen and teen years is important.
  • The rise of screens and social media has impacted how our kids' generation makes and maintains relationships.
  • Helping your teens learn to connect without screens requires both creativity and clear expectations.

Are Baby Educational Videos and Apps Really Making Your Child Smarter?
Are Baby Educational Videos and Apps Really Making Your Child Smarter?

Article at a Glance

  • Multiple studies show educational media directed at babies and toddlers doesn’t work.
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children under the age of two get as little screen time as possible.
  • The best way to help small children learn is by interacting face-to-face with them.
8 Ways to Tame the Screen Time Beast
8 Ways to Tame the Screen Time Beast

Article at a Glance

  • Too much screen time has been linked to numerous wide-ranging side effects.
  • Setting time limits and monitoring them isn't easy—even with devices made to assist. Instead, try practical limits.
  • When breaking a habit, it helps to fill the void with positive things like sports, books and physical play.
Want Happier Kids? There’s an App for That.
Want Happier Kids? There’s an App for That.

Article at a Glance

  • Parents should focus on finding balance that works for their family, rather than time limits.
  • Technology solutions can help reinforce parenting efforts by consistently applying boundaries.
  • What's happening on screens is more important than how often they are switched on.
Does my child have a technology addiction?
Does my child have a technology addiction?

Article at a Glance

  • The average American child spends 7 hours a day in front of the TV, computer, phone, tablet, and other electronic devices.
  • Parents should be concerned if their child’s technology habit is having negative social, emotional, or educational consequences.
  • Establish "no screen" zones and times in your home.
Study: PG-13 Movies Today Have More Violence than R-Rated Movies in the 80’s
Study: PG-13 Movies Today Have More Violence than R-Rated Movies in the 80’s

Article at a Glance Study shows that overall violence in movies has doubled since 1950, and gun violence has tripled since 1985. Movies that were given an R-rating in the 80’s would probably now only receive a PG-13 rating. Parents are encouraged to do their homework on a movie or video game before their kids … Continue reading “Study: PG-13 Movies Today Have More Violence than R-Rated Movies in the 80’s”

Monitoring Online Behavior: Do You Really Know What Your Kids are Doing Online?
Monitoring Online Behavior: Do You Really Know What Your Kids are Doing Online?

Article at a Glance Protect your kids by learning more about which apps and services they use and establishing family rules about online behavior. There are many apps and software options that can help you monitor your children online. Don’t get overwhelmed. Start early and take it one step at a time. Parents are used … Continue reading “Monitoring Online Behavior: Do You Really Know What Your Kids are Doing Online?”

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