Bowel Movements & Diapers
Bowel Movements & Diapers

The first bowel movement will be a greenish black and sticky tar-like stool. The stools will turn brownish green to yellow as your child feeds better after 3-4 days of life. The frequency of bowel movement can vary. In the newborn period, babies have more frequent bowel movements (5-10 times a day) and they are … Continue reading “Bowel Movements & Diapers”

Birthmarks & Salmon Patches
Birthmarks & Salmon Patches

The most common birthmarks on newborns are flat, tan spots and salmon patches. Salmon patches are red patches found on the eyelids, the center of the forehead and back of the neck, which usually fade during the first year of life. Be sure to discuss any other birthmark with your pediatrician. Read More:

Birth Injuries
Birth Injuries

Injuries commonly occur during the birthing process. The most common injuries are scrapes and bruises. These heal quickly and normally don’t require any treatment. Some babies fracture their collar bone. This causes pain when moving the arm on the side where the fracture occurred. This fracture may be diagnosed in the first 1-2 days of … Continue reading “Birth Injuries”

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay
Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Tooth decay can develop when the child’s teeth and gums are exposed to any liquid or food other than water for long periods or frequently throughout the day. Natural or added sugars in the liquid or food are changed to acid by bacteria in the mouth. This acid then dissolves the outer part of the … Continue reading “Baby Bottle Tooth Decay”

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