How can I ease my baby’s pain during immunizations?
How can I ease my baby’s pain during immunizations?

Article at a Glance

  • The 5 S’s can be a good tool for reducing distress in infants.
  • Other options may also provide relief.
  • Parental mood is important, too.
Blood Tests: How to prepare your child
Blood Tests: How to prepare your child

Article at a Glance

  • Be honest with your child, but don’t dwell on the negative.
  • Find a time to talk to your child when you can give your undivided attention and there is plenty of time to answer questions.
  • Staying calm yourself will help you focus on your child’s needs.
Tips on how to make shots easier for kids
Tips on how to make shots easier for kids

Article at a Glance

  • Help reduce anxiety beforehand by giving minimal, age-appropriate warnings about the upcoming shot.
  • During the shot, stay calm and find ways to divert your child's attention with a treat, book, song, or other distraction.
  • For babies, things like swaddling and sucking can help reduce pain and crying.

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