Teen Suicide: Risks and Realities
Teen Suicide: Risks and Realities

Article at a Glance

  • Suicide isn’t usually caused by a single factor, but many.
  • Abuse, life changes, and social pressure are all risk factors even for healthy kids.
  • Many signs of depression are easy to write off as moodiness.
Would you let your child take on 40,000 dollars in debt?
Would you let your child take on 40,000 dollars in debt?

Article at a Glance

  • Teens have opportunities to make huge financial choices.
  • Financial lessons are easiest to teach when lessons are cheap.
  • Separating allowance from chores lets you focus on teaching financial literacy.
Helping teens treat and prevent acne
Helping teens treat and prevent acne
  • Acne is most common among teens because of their fluctuating hormone levels.
  • Minimize breakouts by avoiding certain products and behaviors, like touching your face.
  • To avoid scarring, don't pick at or pop blemishes.
Social Media Bootcamp
Social Media Bootcamp
  • For most social media accounts, children should be 13 or older and be mature enough to make good choices online.
  • Commit to being proactive about your child’s use of social media.
  • Talk to your children about what is appropriate on social media and how to stay safe.
How to feed a teenage boy without breaking the bank
How to feed a teenage boy without breaking the bank

Article at-a-glance

  • Provide your teen with healthy choices, but don’t nag or lecture.
  • Prepare healthy snacks ahead of time to make them easy to grab.
  • Preparing a well-thought-out grocery list will help discourage unhealthy and expensive impulse buys.
Talk to your child about drinking as early as 9 years old
Talk to your child about drinking as early as 9 years old

Article at a Glance The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you talk to your child about the dangers of drinking as early as 9 years old. Help your children understand the dangers of drinking and teach them “media literacy” techniques. Because teens and children are smaller than adults, it takes fewer drinks for them … Continue reading “Talk to your child about drinking as early as 9 years old”

Getting through to your teen about texting and driving
Getting through to your teen about texting and driving
  • Teen drivers, already a high-risk group, are 23 times more likely to crash when texting.
  • Parents can help by talking about the risks, modeling good behavior, defining a teen driving contract and using technological blocks.
What you need to know about eating disorders
What you need to know about eating disorders

Article at a Glance

  • Parents should be concerned if their children develop an unhealthy obsession about their weight.
  • The most common eating disorders are anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating.
  • Eating disorders can be life-threatening and require professional help to overcome.
Nurturing a healthy body image
Nurturing a healthy body image

Article at a Glance

  • Having a healthy body image means you feel comfortable in your own skin and don’t fixate on your imperfections.
  • When people suffer from a negative body image, it can put them at risk for things like depression, low self-esteem, and eating disorders.
  • By being a good example, teaching our children how to be media savvy, and focusing on their strengths, we can help them develop a healthy body image.
Does my child have a technology addiction?
Does my child have a technology addiction?

Article at a Glance

  • The average American child spends 7 hours a day in front of the TV, computer, phone, tablet, and other electronic devices.
  • Parents should be concerned if their child’s technology habit is having negative social, emotional, or educational consequences.
  • Establish "no screen" zones and times in your home.

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